Our offices ©TheBrandingDistillery

About Us

We are an honest, trustworthy and professional Branding Consultancy, that is focused on getting you the right results for your business when it comes to your visual appearance, tone of voice, customer service and high-quality marketing. Our team has experience in design for print since 2002, and we are passionate about the relationships that we build and sustain with a vision for long-term relationships.

Our commitment to you, is that we will treat your brand with the same respect, value and care that we do our own.

Our re-brand

In March 2023, we made the decision to re-brand ourselves from what was designbyJagz Ltd [originally operating since 2010] and now The Branding Distillery Ltd journey begins to unfold, even larger and more passionate than before.

We are very proud to have worked with a large range of businesses and organisations over our years in business, and the sizes have varied from start-up businesses to companies that have been ready to re-brand and also global corporates. Our personal approach to our clients is what we value the most, when it comes to getting a job done right.



The Branding

Every project is handled with due care and attention throughout each part of the development stage. Jagz Kaur, our Head Consultant is our master in production, from design stages through to print, production and then delivery, her consistent promise of quality with everything she produces for her clients, is unquestionable.

At The Branding Distillery, we have a personal promise to our clients, large or small, whereby we make sure we are dedicated to them and their project(s) in order to build lasting relationships.

We fully understand and appreciate the importance of trust, dedication and confidence when it comes to helping our clients grow, and we commit to offering these in every working relationship that we create.

Jagz Kaur

"Your brand can only bec0me successful, and a true representation of how you want to be perceived, when it has been designed and nurtured with the clear understanding of how your customer or client sees you, your product or your service, and not by how you choose to see yourself .

Remember, you are not always your ideal client, therefore you won't be thinking like them."

Jagz Kaur

Head Consultant


tbd... Head Consultant

My Passion for
your projects...

"I have built my company using the passion I have for 'good, professional design', along with my knowledge of production, learnt over the last 20 years of working directly within numerous print environments. I have then, combined these skills with the professional growth I have developed along my journey since it began all those years ago when studying my degree in Design Studies.

My life experiences have given me the grounding, strength and knowledge to understand that everyone's journey is different and personal to them, and that you can always achieve much greater things beyond any hurdles you come across if you put your mind, heart and soul into everything you do.

I thrive on attention-to-detail and always love a challenge, so helping my clients and their businesses to grow using a creative mind-set, gives me the drive to be the best I can be, in the daily projects I carry out in business.

My motto is; If you grow, I will too, and we can strive together through an enjoyable journey of passion and growth.

Allow me to help make you fall in love with your company all over again."

Fully Qualified...
BA [Design Studies] &
MA [Design & Branding Strategy]

"I highly recommend Jagz and her services - she is extremely professional and very passionate about getting the right message and brand across about your business.

Jagz is an incredible designer and exceeds your expectations."

Lisa Cannings | The Abbey Group


BNI Member | Integrity Rainham


London office...
t |  020 3301 0488


Mon - Fri ... 9.00am - 6.00pm
Closed Weekends & Bank Holidays